Rochelle Voyles

ROCHELLE VOYLES SELECTED WORKS: The Fabric of Time_2024_Wood_collage_paint_57 ⅜” x 47” Category (Low Res) SelfReplicatingFear_2024_Wood_collage_paint_57” x 43”.jp Category SkyGlyphs_2_web Category Soft Spring_2021_Paper Collage_7.5” x 8” Category rochell1 Category web Category 048.2023.08.15.81leonard.middleground Category Rvoyles_MultipleAmericas_2022+copy Category UnderneathIdyllicPasturesWborder Category EDUCATION: BFA, Printmaking, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY |  2012 SELECTED EXHIBITIONS: Trading Cards; The Reshuffle, Field of Play Gallery,…

Abby Cheney

ABBY CHENEY SELECTED WORKS: abby_9 Category abby promo Category abby6 Category abby4 Category abby3 Category install8 for web Category abby2 Category abby1 Category abby5 Category EDUCATION: MFA in Painting and Drawing, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY |  2018 BA in Studio Art and English, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH |  2014 SOLO/TWO PERSON EXHIBITIONS: Warp and Weft,…

Ophelia Arc

OPHELIA ARC SELECTED WORKS: web_i love beginnings Category rumination loop, 2024, Latex, tulle, hand dyed yarn, human hair and wire rings, 14_ x 6_ x 24_ Category An assortment of lesions 2_web Category An assortment of lesions 5 Category IMG_0488 Category IMG_0431 Category SELECTED EXHIBITIONS: we’re just so glad you’re home, Curated by Nakai Falcón,…

Vincent Donato

VINCENT DONATO SELECTED WORKS: vincent_donato_Reach_2022 Category grey Category Engraved mono prints 2022 Category Glow Category Craven, 2021, Mixed media on canvas, 60 x 46 x , $ 3,540 (1) Category Dawn 2022 (3) Category single rose 1 2023 Category Burn 2022 Category single rose 2 2023 Category SELECTED EXHIBITIONS: Resurface, 81 Leonard Gallery, NYC  | …

Ivan Le Pays

IVAN LE PAYS SELECTED WORKS: web photo_18 Category web photo_15 Category web photo_8 Category web photo_7 Category ivanweb Category web photo_17 Category ivanwebb Category web photo_14 Category 001.2023.04.12.81leonard.ivanlepays Category SOLO EXHIBITIONS: A Line Alone, 81 Leonard Gallery, NYC  |  2023 C’est Où Les Lofoten?, Haos Galerie, Nantes, FR |  2022 Tattoo Postcard – Les souvenirs…

Kendall Henderson

KENDALL HENDERSON SELECTED WORKS: Framed Arrangement (Two) Category time frames web13 Category time frames web12 Category time frames web1 Category time frames web11 Category time frames web2 Category time frames web8 Category time frames web7 Category 011.2023.10.04.81leonard.kendall.henderson-3 Category SELECTED EXHIBITIONS: Apostrophe, Personal Space, Vallejo, CA  |  2023 Time Frames, 81 Leonard Gallery, NYC  |  2023…

Christina Saj

CHRISTINA SAJ SELECTED WORKS: Summer Solstice Category Tryzub Category Vyshyvka Category Blue Flower Category Focus Category Spirits in the Garden Category Golden Web Category Constellation Category Red Lotus Category SOLO EXHIBITIONS: Finding Sanctuary in the time of Pandemic, Installation by Christina Saj Ukrainian Museum, NYC  |  2022 Sacred Space: Art as Sanctuary First Presbyterian Church,…

Nancy Pantirer

NANCY PANTIRER SELECTED WORKS: Untitled Category Out of Darkness Category Comes Light Category Koi Category Pond Category Radioactive Category Vortex Category Urban Graffiti Category Untitled Category SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITIONS: 2017 Hidden Agenda, One Art Space, New York, NY  2011 Visual Rhythms, SOPAC, South Orange, NJ  2009 Elements of Illusion, New Art Center, New York, NY …

Matías Alvial

MATÍAS ALVlAL SELECTED WORKS: Matias Alvial Matias Alvial Matias Alvial Creemos Juntos Nuestro Futuro Matias Alvial Matias Alvial SELECTED EXHIBITIONS: 2021 Night and Day. Albert Merola Gallery, Provincetown, MA 2021 tHP: Beacon. Satellite Art Club, Brooklyn, NY 2021 PAUSE: Bodies in Motion, 81 Leonard Gallery, Tribeca, NY 2021 Piercing the Divide; Artifacts and New Stories.…


TAHER JAOUI SELECTED WORKS: SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITIONS: 2021 Space 776 + Uncommon Beauty Gallery, New York, USA 2020 Srisasanti Syndicate, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2020 Controlled Entropy, 81 Leonard Gallery + Uncommon Beauty Gallery, New York, USA 2020 Galerie Kremers, Berlin, Germany 2019 Graham Modern and Contemporary Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa 2019 Jinsan Gallery, Seoul, South Korea…