2018 hpgrp Gallery, Japan
2017 hpgrp Gallery, Japan
2012 Cheryl Hazan Gallery, NYC
2011 hpgrp Gallery, NYC
2009 Acento Gallery, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
2009 Gallery Satori, NYC
2009 hpgrp Gallery, NYC
2009 SCOPE Fair, NYC
2008 Meatpacking Art, NYC
2008 Dan Devining Projects + Editions, Chicago, “Paper Love” Grp
2007 hpgrp Gallery, NYC
2007 Gensler Architects, NYC
2005 Sideshow, “War Is Over”, Williamsburg Grp
2004 Abstract Identity, Pelham Art Center, Pelham, NY Grp
2001 Small Works, NYU Grp
“The tension between form and line has been a subconscious American pre-occupation from our earliest days. CJ Collins’ vibrant work dances on the edge of the precarious moment where line and mass are reconciled. Her intuitive moves, running in layers which snuggle and snag each other, form less a dance than a ritualistic walkabout of discovery. Big scale is evident no matter the dimension. Never claustrophobic, they breathe with the freedom of the open sky, the riff of a jukebox tune and the vast distance of possibility. It is a freedom which implies not Nature, but the mind’s conjectured landscape.
Collins’ powerful results are squeezed from a deceptively straightforward process. Drawing from life in freely calligraphed moves, the sketches are then xeroxed onto acetate transparencies. She layers and positions one atop the other until she discovers what she wants. Picasso called it making a find. The artist uses a dominant buzz color, electronic in intensity, on which she intervenes an intuitive graphic activity. These compounded arrangements interact with her color solids. Even her blacks read as a full palette! Lines race across the layered field of tangled automatic writing and the two, calligraphed and color block, form a teasing argument between hand and LCD screen glow in an otherwise formalist set up. Their humor, their reach and their insistence on gaze make them stretch-your-arms-wide works. The effect is surprising for its power and attitude. It is unrepentant, fully charged and with a take-it-or-leave-it confidence by the hand of an artist fully committed to her own path.”
Studio shot
CJ’s studio is located in New York City